
メカニズム・デザインで2007年にノーベル賞を受賞しているEric Maskinによる今回の金融危機に関するインタビューがThe Browserにあった。

Economic theory and the financial crisis | Eric Maskin | The Browser


  1. Bank Runs, Deposit Insurance and Liquidity by Douglas Diamond and Philip Dybvig
  2. Private and Public Supply of Liquidity by Bengt Holmstrom and Jean Tirole
  3. The Prudential Regulation of Banks by Mathias Dewatripont and Jean Tirole
  4. Credit Cycles by Nobuhiro Kiyotaki and John Moore
  5. Leverage Cycles and the Anxious Economy by Ana Fostel and John Geanakoplos

の五つだ。三つ目のThe Prudential Regulation of Banks (MIT Press)以外は全て査読付きジャーナル論文だ(1,2,4がJournal of Political Economy、5がAmerican Economic Review)。当然インタビューも紹介されている文献の解説がメインとなる。


  • 金融機関は流動的な資産を流動性のない資産に投入する。
  • そのため一度に資産の引き上げや目減りが発生すると破綻する。
  • それを防ぐには何らかの保障が必要となる。
  • しかし保障を与えるとリスクをとるインセンティブが発生する(モラルハザード)。
  • レバレッジなどを通じ金融機関の行動を規制することが必要になる。



I don’t accept the criticism that economic theory failed to provide a framework for understanding this crisis. Indeed, the papers we’re discussing today show pretty clearly why the crisis occurred and what we can do about it.


The sort of economics that deserves attack is Alan Greenspan’s idealized world, in which financial markets work perfectly well on their own and don’t require government action. There are, of course, still economists – probably fewer than before – who believe in that world.


A major task now is to devise regulations that will help prevent this kind of crisis from happening again. Theory will inform this undertaking, but translating the theory into simple, effective, enforceable rules is not a trivial undertaking.


Well, I believe that the economists in the Obama administration probably have a pretty good grasp of the principles we’ve been discussing. So I think that in the US there is a reasonable chance good regulation will be formulated. What I’m not so sure about is what will happen when Congress gets into the act.
