
New York Timesからインドのマイクロクレジットが陥っている危機についてのレポート。

India Microcredit Sector Faces Collapse From Defaults – NYTimes.com

Microcredit is the extension of very small loans (microloans) to those in poverty designed to spur entrepreneurship. These individuals lack collateral, steady employment and a verifiable credit history and therefore cannot meet even the most minimal qualifications to gain access to traditional credit. [Wikipedia; emphasis mine]


しかし、その利率は低くはないどころか普通に見れば非常に高い。例えば「Are Microcredit Interest Rates Exploitative? 」というインタビューによると、2006年の調査でメジアン利率は30%(インフレ調整後22%)となっている。かなりの高率ではあるものの、マイクロクレジットの融資先は他で融資を受けられない信用の低い層であるためプレミアムがつくのは避けがたい。

But microfinance in pursuit of profits has led some microcredit companies around the world to extend loans to poor villagers at exorbitant interest rates and without enough regard for their ability to repay.


Responding to public anger over abuses in the microcredit industry — and growing reports of suicides among people unable to pay mounting debts — legislators in the state of Andhra Pradesh last month passed a stringent new law restricting how the companies can lend and collect money.


If the trend continues, the industry faces collapse in a state where more than a third of its borrowers live. Lenders are also having trouble making new loans in other states, because banks have slowed lending to them as fears about defaults have grown.


The collapse of the industry could have severe consequences for borrowers, who may be forced to resort to money lenders once again.


microfinance firms had lost sight of the fact that the poor needed more than loans to be successful entrepreneurs. They need business and financial advice as well, she said.
