

California Pot Initiative Opposed By Beer Industry

The beer sellers are the first competitors of marijuana to officially enter the debate; backers of the initiative are closely watching liquor and wine dealers and the pharmaceutical industry to see if they enter the debate in the remaining weeks.


Police forces are entitled to keep property seized as part of drug raids and the revenue stream that comes from waging the drug war has become a significant source of support for local law enforcement. Federal and state funding of the drug war is also a significant supplement to local forces’ budgets.

次は警察関連だ(警察官の団体など)。その理由として、麻薬捜査の過程で押収された資産が警察の収入になることや、麻薬対策(drug war)で連邦政府や州政府から予算が貰えることが挙げられている。

So far, the prison guards’ bosses have gotten involved — the California Correctional Supervisors Organization has given $7,500 — but the guards themselves are on the sidelines.


The Service Employees International Union, a major presence in California, has endorsed the proposition. The Teamsters in September made its first successful foray into organizing pot growers. The United Food and Commercial Workers is backing the initiative and organizing cannabis club employees in the Bay Area.


The teachers union, citing the revenue that could be raised for the state, is also backing the initiative.

