

How Goldman Backed Moore’s ‘Capitalism’ Movie :: The Future of Capitalism via The Business Insider

The funniest moments of all in the movie, though, may just be in the opening and closing credits. We see that the movie is presented by “Paramount Vantage” in association with the Weinstein Company. Bob and Harvey Weinstein are listed as executive producers. If Mr. Moore appreciates any of the irony here he sure doesn’t share it with viewers, but for those members of the audience who are in on the secret it’s all kind of amusing. Paramount Vantage, after all, is controlled by Viacom, on whose board sit none other than Sumner Redstone and former Bear Stearns executive Ace Greenberg, who aren’t exactly socialists. The Weinstein Company announced it was funded with a $490 million private placement in which Goldman Sachs advised. The press release announcing the deal quoted a Goldman spokesman saying, “We are very pleased to be a part of this exciting new venture and look forward to an ongoing relationship with The Weinstein Company.”

何でも映画の後に流れるクレジットを見るとParamount Vantageが出てくるそうだ。Paramount VantageはParamount Picturesの一部だが、そのParamount Picturesは巨大メディアコングロマリットViacomの子会社だ。またParamount Vantageと関係が深いとされているWeinstein Companyは独立系の映画製作会社として経済的成功を収めているがいろいろと悪い噂がある。経営者で映画監督のWeinstein兄弟は映画のエグゼクティブ・プロデューサーとして名を連ねている。さらにはWeinstein CompnayはGoldman Sachsから多額の融資を受けているそうだ。


He’s even right that capitalism is imperfect. But Mr. Moore doesn’t make a convincing case that any other system would be an improvement. He offers some tantalizing glimpses of worker-owned and managed cooperatives such as the Alvarado Street Bakery and Isthmus Engineering and Manufacturing, and he suggests that things would be better if there were a 90% top income tax rate, stronger labor unions (like in Germany), and a second bill of rights added to the Constitution guaranteeing a job at a living wage, health care, housing, and education.