

ScienceDirect – Journal of Financial Markets : Confidence, opinions of marketefficiency, and investment behavior of finance professors via Overcoming Bias

First, most professors believe the market is weak to semi-strong efficient. Second, twice as many professors passively invest than actively invest. Third, our respondents’ perceptions regarding market efficiency are almost entirely unrelated to their trading behavior. Fourth, the investment objectives of professors are, instead, largely driven by the same behavioral factor as for amateur investors–one’s confidence in his own abilities to beat the market, independent of his opinion of market efficiency.


  1. ほとんどの教授は弱度ないし準強度市場効率仮説を支持している。
  2. 能動的な投資を行っている人はそうでないひとの半分。
  3. 投資行動と市場効率仮説への態度は相関がない。
  4. 投資目的は大抵素人と同じ要因で説明できる。
