Will Recession Forever Scar Young Investors? at SmartMoney.com
一つ目UCLAのPaola GiulianoとIMFのAntonio Spilimbergoによる研究で、
Using data from the General Social Survey and matching it up with data on regional recessions in the United States between 1972 and 2006, the authors found that “individuals growing up during recessions tend to believe that success in life depends more on luck than on effort, support more government redistribution, but are less confident in public institutions.”
- 成功は努力より運で決まる
- 再分配政策により積極的である
- しかし政府に対する信頼は低い
But what was truly striking was that this finding only held if the person was in his or her “formative years,” between 18 and 25, during the financial shock. Being exposed to a recession before the age of 17 or after the age of 25 had no effect in the data they studied.
さらに同様の傾向がBerkeleyのUlrike MalmendierとStanfordのStefan Nagelの研究でも明らかにされているそうだ。こちらは、大恐慌を経験した世代と第二次世界対戦後の好景気を経験した世代との株式市場での投資行動を調べている。
people who have lived through periods of bad stock market returns report lower willingness to take financial risk. They also are less likely to participate in the stock market, and, if they do invest in the stock market, invest a lower fraction of their liquid assets in stocks. (Similarly, people who have experienced high inflation are less likely to hold bonds.)
The lesson: We’re slaves to what’s known as “availability bias.” We form our predictions about the world based on the data most readily available to us — on what’s happened to us personally, or what’s happened to our friends, or what we’ve read in the papers or seen on TV.
このような現象は可用性バイアス(availability bias)と呼ばれる。これは自分や親しい人間が経験した出来事が生じる確率を過大評価してしまう傾向である。
P.S. この記事でも研究結果が紹介されているが実際の論文は示されていない。それらしい文献へのリンクをしておいた。これはジャーナリズムは普通のことなんだろうか。ちなみにavailability biasという言葉も言及されている(と思われる)論文には出てこない。記事を書いたひとの意見ということだろう。