Entrepreneurs and Risk « The Baseline Scenario
I’m inclined against the conventional wisdom because I co-founded a company, it’s done pretty well, and I’m about the most risk-averse person I know. (Want proof? I even worked at McKinsey, the world’s epicenter of risk aversion; two of the other founders were also former management consultants.)
[…] to start a successful company you need to have a solid plan, a realistic assessment of your chances, the willingness to take on a modest amount of financial risk […], and the belief that the non-monetary satisfaction you get along the way will more than compensate for the financial disadvantages.
- まともな計画
- 成功に対する現実的な評価
- それなりの金銭面でのリスク
- 金銭以外の満足感が費用を上回るという信念
The best encouragements to productive risk-taking are measures that limit the cost of failure for people who are actually creating something new, and this is one reason why Silicon Valley has been so successful.
The financial risks of starting a company aren’t that big, for most people. High-tech companies are typically started by people who could pull in low-six-figure salaries working for other companies, so they’re giving up a couple of hundred thousand dollars in opportunity cost; the rest is typically angel investor or venture capital money.
More importantly, there is (historically, at least), little stigma attached to failure, so there’s little reputational downside to a failed startup.
In a world full of risk-averse people, that’s very important.