

America’s Smartest Cities—From First to Worst – The Daily Beast

First, some rules of the game. We only ranked metropolitan areas (the cities and their suburbs) of 1 million people or more, using Census data, with the definition of each greater metropolitan area defined by Nielsen. That gave us 55 in all.


  • The education half encompassed how many residents had bachelor’s degrees (35 percent weighting) and graduate degrees (15 percent).
  • we looked at nonfiction book sales (25 percent)
  • We also measured the ratio of institutions of higher education (15 percent)
  • many studies link intelligence and political engagement, so we weighed this, too, as measured by the percentage of eligible voters who cast ballots in the last presidential election (10 percent)



  • Raleigh-Durham: 三つの大学(Duke, UNC, NCSU)とテクノロジー系の企業がある。さらに首都があるため政治のスコアが高い。
  • Sanfrancisco-Oakland-San Jose: 要するにベイエリア。大学(UCSF, Berkeley, Stanfordなど)が大量にあり、学位に関するスコアがトップ。ハイテク関連が強い。政治のスコアが低め(人口が多すぎるためだろう)。
  • Boston: 同じく大学(Harvard, MIT, BU, BCなど)が多く関連するハイテク企業が集積。ノンフィクションの売上が多いそうだ。

これに、Minneapolis-St.Paul、Denver、Hartford-New Haven, Seattle-Tacoma, Washington DC, Portland, Baltimoreと続く。

逆にワースト3は上からSan Antonio、Las Vegas、Fresnoとなっている。最下位となったFresnoは、

The race to the bottom wasn’t even close. The largest city in California’s San Joaquin breadbasket, Fresno, had deficiencies across the board. College education (less than 20 percent of the local population have four-year degrees), graduate studies, academic institutions (not much besides Fresno State), book purchases, voter engagement—it ranked in the worst 5 percent in almost all of our categories. Problems with gangs and crystal meth tend to deter the best and brightest.
