

Finding Profit From Investing in Workers

記事の元となっているのはProfit at the Bottom of the Ladder(サマリー)というリサーチだ。企業のヒエラルキーの下にいる労働者に投資したり、耳を傾けたりすることで業績が改善した事例を扱っている。

Investing in workers’ health led to reductions in absenteeism and turnover rates, and to greater productivity.

一つ目は労働者の健康を改善する投資だ。自動車部品工場ではAutoliv Australiaでは休暇や病欠を取りやすくすることで離職率が15-20%から3%になったという。American Apparelでは健康保険の補助、エクササイズクラスの提供、社食での健康なメニューな提示によって従業員の怪我や病気が減ったとのこと。

さらに南アメリカのSA Metalでは従業員へのHIV/AIDS治療を提供することでトラックが健康上の理由で止まってしまうのを防いでいるそうだ。

offering training and career tracks to line workers led to lower turnover and easier recruitment, and served to make employees more efficient while they were with the company.


After implementing a teamwork system in which sewers were paid based on the number of garments produced by their team, productivity at American Apparel increased dramatically […]
三つ目はチームに対するインセンティブの支給だ。American Apparelでは人員は12%増えただけなのにアウトプットが三倍になったという。
In the United States, average wages at Costco were approximately 42 percent
higher than those at their closest competitor, Sam’s Club, the wholesale branch of Wal‐Mart.
While the high productivity wasn’t solely due to employee incentives in either case, financial rewards clearly fueled employee productivity in both cases.
Companies in our study established ways to learn from their lowest‐level employees, who had the most expertise on the ways in which much of the work at the company was done and could be improved.
As a result of its reputation for providing good jobs and investing in the community, Costco faced less community opposition than its competitors, such as Wal‐Mart, when looking for new sites for its warehouses.


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