

Le Monde on The Brink | Monday Note

France’s flagship daily is being crushed by a mountain of debt and has put out a call to investors capable of injecting between 80 and 120 million euros (100 to 150 million dollars) to come to its aid.

via Le Monde takeover battle in final stretch – Yahoo! News.

フランスで最も有名な新聞であるLe Mondeがキャッシュ不足で売りに出ているそうだ。

  • Le Monde seeks at least €100m (for a first round).
  • Le Parisien, a popular daily, is for sale; although quite good from an editorial perspective, it is not profitable and its family ownership wants to refocus on sports-related assets.
  • La Tribune, the n°2 business daily, is looking for a majority investor.
  • Liberation is also facing a  cash stress.

他の有力紙も惨憺たる状況だ。Le Parisienは売却先探し、La Tribuneは投資家探し、Liberationは現金不足とのこと。


An excessive reliance on public subsidies which account for about 10% of the industry’s entire revenue.


The gent is paid €50,000 per year, works 32 hours per week and 164 days per year. Firing him costs about €466,000 – that’s a  French government estimate, it (we…) might pick part of the tab.



本当の人種差別は雇用主ではなく消費者にあるという研究(ht @ecohis):

Decomposition of the Black-White Wage Differential in the Physician Market

Hence, a firm that has a “taste for discrimination” would not pay a worker of a different race a wage commensurate to that worker’s productivity.


if consumers are unwilling to purchase goods and services produced by minorities, then minority workers would not be as valuable to all firms and minority workers would receive lower wages than majority workers as a result.


In general, if the number of nondiscriminating employers is large relative to the number of minority workers, or if the nondiscriminating firms have constant or increasing returns to scale technologies, then minority workers may not be affected by discrimination at all.



Since those who are self-employed would not encounter firm discrimination, any discrimination that is experienced by self-employed workers must have originated from consumers. Salaried workers, on the other hand, may face discrimination that is both employer- and consumer-based. Based on this intuition, we make two claims.


The survey contains information on a wide range of variables—such as physician specialty, board certification status, and waiting time for patients—that would enable us to control for consumer demand and worker productivity, thereby effectively isolating the effects of different types of discrimination in the physician market.


At most, discrimination lowers the hourly wages of black physicians by 3.3%. The decompositions show that consumer discrimination accounts for all of the potential discrimination in the physician market and that the effect of firm discrimination is actually in favor of black physicians.












Finding Profit From Investing in Workers

記事の元となっているのはProfit at the Bottom of the Ladder(サマリー)というリサーチだ。企業のヒエラルキーの下にいる労働者に投資したり、耳を傾けたりすることで業績が改善した事例を扱っている。

Investing in workers’ health led to reductions in absenteeism and turnover rates, and to greater productivity.

一つ目は労働者の健康を改善する投資だ。自動車部品工場ではAutoliv Australiaでは休暇や病欠を取りやすくすることで離職率が15-20%から3%になったという。American Apparelでは健康保険の補助、エクササイズクラスの提供、社食での健康なメニューな提示によって従業員の怪我や病気が減ったとのこと。

さらに南アメリカのSA Metalでは従業員へのHIV/AIDS治療を提供することでトラックが健康上の理由で止まってしまうのを防いでいるそうだ。

offering training and career tracks to line workers led to lower turnover and easier recruitment, and served to make employees more efficient while they were with the company.


After implementing a teamwork system in which sewers were paid based on the number of garments produced by their team, productivity at American Apparel increased dramatically […]
三つ目はチームに対するインセンティブの支給だ。American Apparelでは人員は12%増えただけなのにアウトプットが三倍になったという。
In the United States, average wages at Costco were approximately 42 percent
higher than those at their closest competitor, Sam’s Club, the wholesale branch of Wal‐Mart.
While the high productivity wasn’t solely due to employee incentives in either case, financial rewards clearly fueled employee productivity in both cases.
Companies in our study established ways to learn from their lowest‐level employees, who had the most expertise on the ways in which much of the work at the company was done and could be improved.
As a result of its reputation for providing good jobs and investing in the community, Costco faced less community opposition than its competitors, such as Wal‐Mart, when looking for new sites for its warehouses.



Why Does Academia Treat Its Workforce So Badly?

Together these employees now make up an amazing 73 percent of the nearly 1.6 million-employee instructional workforce in higher education and teach over half of all undergraduate classes at public institutions of higher education.


Academia has bifurcated into two classes:  tenured professors who are decently paid, have lifetime job security, and get to work on whatever strikes their fancy; and adjuncts who are paid at the poverty level and may labor for years in the desperate and often futile hope of landing a tenure track position.


And, of course, graduate students, the number of whom may paradoxically increase as the number of tenure track jobs decreases–because someone has to teach all those intro classes.


those lucky enough to get a tenure-track job have to move to a random location, often one not particularly suited to their spouses’ work ambitions or their own personal preferences . . . a location which, barring another job offer, they will have to spend the rest of their life in.


I have long theorized that at least some of the leftward drift in academia can be explained by the fact that it has one of the most abusive labor markets in the world.


as a class, low wage workers do not face the kind of monolithic employer power that a surprising number of academics seem to believe is common.


The Persistence of Exploitative Academic Labor Markets


[…] once one has bought into the academic status framework, it’s hard to escape it. Graduate school is basically an extended period of socialization into the conviction that academia is more exalted than just about anything else.


[…] many people who have been so socialized have a preference for working in academia so strong that they are willing to forgo lots in salary, benefits, and security in order to secure employment, however tenuous, in academia.


[…] increasing the supply of adjunct jobs relative to tenured jobs creates a rising status premium for the tenured and reduces their responsibility for the least desirable elementary courses.
