
レナード・ムロディナウ(Leonard Mlondinow)によるワイン・レーティングの問題についての記事:

Why Wine Ratings Are Badly Flawed –


It was in this climate that in the 1970s a lawyer-turned-wine-critic named Robert M. Parker Jr. decided to aid consumers by assigning wines a grade on a 100-point scale. Today, critics like Mr. Parker exert enormous influence.


According to a 2001 study of Bordeaux wines, a one-point bump in Robert Parker’s wine ratings averages equates to a 7% increase in price, and the price difference can be much greater at the high end.

Robert Parkerのレーティングが一つ上がると平均7%価格が上がるという。この上昇分はハイエンドのワインのほうがさらに大きくなる。


In his first study, each year, for four years, Mr. Hodgson served actual panels of California State Fair Wine Competition judges—some 70 judges each year—about 100 wines over a two-day period. He employed the same blind tasting process as the actual competition. In Mr. Hodgson’s study, however, every wine was presented to each judge three different times, each time drawn from the same bottle.


The results astonished Mr. Hodgson. The judges’ wine ratings typically varied by ±4 points on a standard ratings scale running from 80 to 100. A wine rated 91 on one tasting would often be rated an 87 or 95 on the next. Some of the judges did much worse, and only about one in 10 regularly rated the same wine within a range of ±2 points.


he made a bar graph of the number of wines winning 0, 1, 2, etc. gold medals in those competitions. The graph was nearly identical to the one you’d get if you simply made five flips of a coin weighted to land on heads with a probability of 9%.




P.S. ちなみにレナード・ムロディナウはバークレーでPh.D.を取りカルテックに理論物理学者として就職したが、後にハリウッドでテレビ・映画の脚本家になったり、コンピュータゲームを作ったりしている異色の人物だ。ここ数年は科学に関する啓蒙書を数多く執筆している。スティーブン・ホーキングとの共著が特に有名だが、単著であるThe Drunkard’s Walk: How Randomness Rules our Livesも昨年ベストセラーになった(積みっぱなしでまだ読んでません…)。



How Moody’s sold its ratings – and sold out investors | McClatchy

A McClatchy investigation has found that Moody’s punished executives who questioned why the company was risking its reputation by putting its profits ahead of providing trustworthy ratings for investment offerings.



To promote competition, in the 1970s ratings agencies were allowed to switch from having investors pay for ratings to having the issuers of debt pay for them.


Moody’s was spun off from Dun & Bradstreet in 2000, and the first company shares began trading on Oct. 31 that year at $12.57. Executives set out to erase a conservative corporate culture.

When Moody’s went public in 2000, mid-level executives were given stock options. That gave them an incentive to consider not just the accuracy of their ratings, but the effect they’d have on Moody’s — and their own — bottom lines.



