
サーチエンジンの中立性を求めるThe New York Timesの記事が話題になっている。本当にサーチエンジンを規制する必要性はあるのだろうか。

Op-Ed Contributor – Search, but You May Not Find –

まずこの議論を追うにはネットワーク中立性についての理解が必要だ。ネットワーク中立性については以前「ネット中立性への反対」や「ネットワーク中立性vs価格差別」などでも触れた(Wharton MBA留学中の珈琲男さんの一連の記事はも参考になる)。


The F.C.C. needs to look beyond network neutrality and include “search neutrality”: the principle that search engines should have no editorial policies other than that their results be comprehensive, impartial and based solely on relevance.


The need for search neutrality is particularly pressing because so much market power lies in the hands of one company: Google. With 71 percent of the United States search market (and 90 percent in Britain), Google’s dominance of both search and search advertising gives it overwhelming control.


One way that Google exploits this control is by imposing covert “penalties” that can strike legitimate and useful Web sites, removing them entirely from its search results or placing them so far down the rankings that they will in all likelihood never be found.


For three years, my company’s vertical search and price-comparison site, Foundem, was effectively “disappeared” from the Internet in this way.



Another way that Google exploits its control is through preferential placement. With the introduction in 2007 of what it calls “universal search,” Google began promoting its own services at or near the top of its search results, bypassing the algorithms it uses to rank the services of others.

Googleが自社サービスをプローモーションする場合をあげているがこれも同じだ。Googleはその自社サービスが質の高いものでなければ自分の首を締めるだけだ。私は支払いにGoogle Checkoutを利用しないし、レストラン情報はYelpを直接検索する。書評だってAmazonに行くか、書評サイトを見る。本の名前をGoogleで検索しても有用な検索結果が得られないからだ。

The preferential placement of Google Maps helped it unseat MapQuest from its position as America’s leading online mapping service virtually overnight.

MapQuestがGoogle Mapsに敗北したことをGoogleの独占的地位の濫用の弊害として挙げているが、MapQuestの方がGoogle Mapsより優れていると言う話は聞かない。私がGoogle Mapsを使うのはそれが明らかにMapQuestやYahoo Mapsよりも使えるからだ。

Will it embrace search neutrality as the logical extension to net neutrality that truly protects equal access to the Internet?

