
ダボス会議に関連してDon BoudreauxがThe Washington Postに送ったレターがCafe Hayekに掲載されている。

Don’t Throw Me Into that Briar Patch!


When Sarkozy had finished his anti-capitalist rant, he got a standing ovation from an audience made up mostly of wealthy capitalists.


The leading rabble-rouser was French President Nicolas Sarkozy, who opened the conference with a speech urging global citizens to reform the system. “From the moment we accepted the idea that the market was always right,” he said, “globalization skidded out of control.” An overemphasis on free trade had “weakened democracy,” he argued. Human values had been undermined by soulless speculators for whom “the present was all that mattered.”


Nothing is surprising about this fact. To the extent that trade – both national and international – is restricted, incumbent capitalists are shielded from what Joseph Schumpeter called the “gale of creative destruction.”


Such “anti-capitalist” protection harms not only upstart entrepreneurs; most importantly, it hurts the countless unseen and unrepresented consumers who are denied the gains they would have enjoyed from the innovation and competition that are squelched by the “anti-capitalist” restrictive policies that seem so in vogue today at Davos.



  1. 言っちゃ悪いけど、引用されたイグナチウスとか言う人、恐ろしくバイアスのかかったこと言ってますね。サルコジは金融資本のメルトダウンをどう防ぐかと論じているだけで既得権優遇だのとは言ってませんよ。むしろまさにincumbentな銀行家の給料の取り過ぎを批判しているんだから逆でしょう。

  2. 細かいことですが、ミスタイピングを発見しました。「公益」→「交易」ですね。

  3. ピンバック: Tweets that mention 資本家の反資本主義 » 経済学101 -- Topsy.com

  4.  株主の利害と組織経営者の利害がグローバル経済構造のもと対立している。 
