

New Premium Rules Could Be Game Changer for Health Insurers

The medical-loss ratio measures how much of premiums insurers pay out for medical care versus administrative costs. The new law requires that insurers use at least 80% of the premiums from individuals and small businesses to pay for medical care and profit-taking, and 85% of premiums from larger employers.

規制の対象となっているのはmedical-loss ratioという指標で、保険料収入のうちどのくらいの割合が保険金の支払いに宛てられているかを測るものだ。新しい法律はこの割合を80%以上(大規模な雇用主については85%以上)にすることを要求しており、基準を満たさない場合には契約者へのリベートが必要なる模様だ。

Health insurers are waiting for regulators to clarify how companies must account for the numbers—whether they can average the MLRs of their subsidiaries, for instance.


That process is already happening, though. American National Insurance Co., of Texas stopped marketing individual policies last month. A spokesman for the company said it operates its plans at about a 60% MLR, and didn’t want to retool its business model to meet the new requirements.





Generating a social surplus

This Budget includes a measure that is long over-due: taxpayers will no longer have to file tax returns.


A 2000 estimate by researchers at the University of NSW put the time cost of tax filing at any average of $346 per person (roughly 8.5 hours times the average hourly pay; adjusted to closer to the present day). That comes to a total cost of $3.7 billion per annum to the economy […]


Of course, there is a catch – if you choose this option you will have to accept a standardised deduction ($500 rising to $1000 in a few years). So this is likely to attract lower income households; so the pure financial saving will be less.


Already, there are claims that this will harm smaller tax agents. If they were existing because of an inefficient government regulation, they are part of the problem.





Nutritional facts redesigned




  • 視覚化が標準化されていないため比較が困難(逆に標準化されるとデザインとしては意味がない)
  • 同時に誤解を招く表示になっていないかの規制も難しい



インターポールの事務総長のインタビュー記事「The World’s Top Cop – A Talk with Ronald K. Noble」からの一節。インタビュー自体も短いが、皮肉がきいている。

Aguanomics: Bureaucratic or effective?

What frustrates me […] is that in 2009 there were over 500 million international air arrivals where passports were not checked against Interpol’s database, which contains records on over 11 million stolen passports and 9 million other identity documents.


At the same time, if you or I are traveling internationally via the United States or Europe, we are required to take off our shoes and belts, give up our bags and our computers, and sacrifice whatever liquids we might not have consumed before passing through security. We do that for everyone.




Financial Regulation Career Advice | TRUTH ON THE MARKET

Knowing substantive law is an important part of a legal career, a necessary pre-req to get going.  But it’s by far the least important item in your toolkit.  Being excited about what you’re doing, also good.


There are, however, too many smart and passionate lawyers in the world.


Two things distinguish the more successful lawyers from the rest of the pack: networking and salesmanship.  If you don’t develop skills in these two areas, you’ll never really own your career and someone else will.


You’ll be surprised at the ways you can help people connect with each other, and both sides will owe you one.  You’ll also be surprised at how often people offer to share their connections with you for precisely the same reason.

ABAに行くとか、in-house counsel(法務部?)と知り合うといった業界特有のアドバイスもあるが、この一節にもあるようにどの業界にも当てはまるものもある。自分の知り合い同士をつなげる機会は豊富だし、そうやって新しいコネクションを作ることも多い。

Put your rolodex on your christmas list.  Spam them will mass emails that update them about developments in your area of the law, or with emails that let them know about your accomplishments


On salesmanship:  Realize that you are first and foremost a salesman. Your wares are legal services.


Before you can sell anything to anyone, you need to do your homework and know what drives your target. Where they make most of their money, what risks they are afraid of, what problems they have on the horizon that they don’t even know about.  Then you need to let them know how your skills can solve their problem.

