

Financial Regulation Career Advice | TRUTH ON THE MARKET

Knowing substantive law is an important part of a legal career, a necessary pre-req to get going.  But it’s by far the least important item in your toolkit.  Being excited about what you’re doing, also good.


There are, however, too many smart and passionate lawyers in the world.


Two things distinguish the more successful lawyers from the rest of the pack: networking and salesmanship.  If you don’t develop skills in these two areas, you’ll never really own your career and someone else will.


You’ll be surprised at the ways you can help people connect with each other, and both sides will owe you one.  You’ll also be surprised at how often people offer to share their connections with you for precisely the same reason.

ABAに行くとか、in-house counsel(法務部?)と知り合うといった業界特有のアドバイスもあるが、この一節にもあるようにどの業界にも当てはまるものもある。自分の知り合い同士をつなげる機会は豊富だし、そうやって新しいコネクションを作ることも多い。

Put your rolodex on your christmas list.  Spam them will mass emails that update them about developments in your area of the law, or with emails that let them know about your accomplishments


On salesmanship:  Realize that you are first and foremost a salesman. Your wares are legal services.


Before you can sell anything to anyone, you need to do your homework and know what drives your target. Where they make most of their money, what risks they are afraid of, what problems they have on the horizon that they don’t even know about.  Then you need to let them know how your skills can solve their problem.

