

Generating a social surplus

This Budget includes a measure that is long over-due: taxpayers will no longer have to file tax returns.


A 2000 estimate by researchers at the University of NSW put the time cost of tax filing at any average of $346 per person (roughly 8.5 hours times the average hourly pay; adjusted to closer to the present day). That comes to a total cost of $3.7 billion per annum to the economy […]


Of course, there is a catch – if you choose this option you will have to accept a standardised deduction ($500 rising to $1000 in a few years). So this is likely to attract lower income households; so the pure financial saving will be less.


Already, there are claims that this will harm smaller tax agents. If they were existing because of an inefficient government regulation, they are part of the problem.




インターポールの事務総長のインタビュー記事「The World’s Top Cop – A Talk with Ronald K. Noble」からの一節。インタビュー自体も短いが、皮肉がきいている。

Aguanomics: Bureaucratic or effective?

What frustrates me […] is that in 2009 there were over 500 million international air arrivals where passports were not checked against Interpol’s database, which contains records on over 11 million stolen passports and 9 million other identity documents.


At the same time, if you or I are traveling internationally via the United States or Europe, we are required to take off our shoes and belts, give up our bags and our computers, and sacrifice whatever liquids we might not have consumed before passing through security. We do that for everyone.




Olympic Games have no long-term impact on employment

Usually, they manage to obtain some public guarantees or even financing on the grounds that such an event and the infrastructure will kick-start an economy and encourage tourism beyond the event.


Arne Feddersen and Wolfgang Maennig show that these beliefs are wrong, at least for the 1996 Olympic Games in Atlanta.


They concentrate on the impact of these games on employment, and using monthly data they cannot find any impact in any sector, except for the sectors directly affected by the event, and only for the duration of the Games: retail trade, accommodation and food services, arts, entertainment, and recreation.


I can only reiterate that such events should find a permanent home




How High-Speed Rail Can Help Expand the Economy – Creative Class

It’s been hard to justify high-speed rail (HSR) projects in terms of conventional cost-benefit analysis.


First, HSR expands the labor pool available to firms, bringing talented workers from nearby centers within commuting distance and thus expanding the quantity and quality of available employees.


Second, HSR makes more jobs available to workers without making them have to relocate and move to a new home.


Third, HSR extends the benefits of other expensive, productivity-enhancing infrastructure such as airports across broad regions.





The economics of ecosystems / The Christian Science Monitor

国連環境計画(UNEP)のThe Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity reportを紹介している。

As such, it belongs to a broader, ongoing effort to correct what ecological economists say is a failure in most cost-benefit analyses to adequately account for the very real value of living systems.


The trick is ensuring that the analysis is sufficiently rigorous — that it accounts for all services provided by a forest, both as paper and as living trees, and that it includes both short- and long-term outcomes.


[…] some environmental problems can, in fact, be illuminated by a sufficiently nuanced cost-benefit analysis, while others — such as environmental justice issues — clearly can’t.


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