

Robert B. Daugherty’s Obituary Highlights How Human Capital Substitutes for Natural Capital: The Case of Water in the Plains

センターピボット式というのはアメリカでよく見られる灌漑方式で、その名のとおり巨大なスプリンクラーが回転することで散水を行う。その仕組み故に円形の耕作地が大量に形成されるのが特徴的だ。追悼記事がThe New York Timesに掲載されている。

The breakthrough for Mr. Daugherty came in 1953, when he bought the rights to manufacture a new irrigation system, the brainchild of a Nebraska farmer, Frank Zybach.

Daugherty氏は1953年にセンターピボット方式の灌漑設備を製造する権利を得て営業を始めた。彼の会社、Valmont Industriesは現在も同方式の灌漑設備のシェアにして半分以上を占めている。センターピボット方式は次のような点で優れている。

  • 水を効率的に利用出来る
  • 人手がかからない
  • 平らでない土地でも利用可能


In this sense, capitalism helps us to adapt to climate change because it helps us to have the $ to finance basic research and great centers of research and discovery.



Ogallala Aquifer – depth, important, system, source

The Ogallala Aquifer is being both depleted and polluted. Irrigation withdraws much groundwater, yet little of it is replaced by recharge.



温暖化対策の法案であるAmerican Power ActKerry-Lieberman climate change bill)が987ページもあるのは何故か。

Making the Simple Complicated



  • 経済主体が各自最適化するので情報面での政府の負担が少ない
  • 投資に関するインセンティブを歪めることなく税収が得られる


First, it tries to do far more than just charge for carbon emissions.


Standard economics suggests that many of these interventions would be unnecessary if we had the right tax on carbon emissions; if companies pay the full social costs of their actions, they have the right incentives to invest in greener technologies without any further help from Uncle Sam.


The second reason that the bill is so big is that it uses a complicated cap-and-trade system rather than a simple Pigouvian tax.


In theory, a permit system can be identical to a tax.


Fixing the number of permits may actually be the right thing to do. As my colleague Martin Weitzman wrote almost 40 years ago, quantity controls are better than prices if we are more certain about the right quantity than we are about the right tax.


Giving away permits rather than selling them is often defended as a means of ensuring that global warming doesn’t become an excuse for higher taxes.



International trade is a third reason that this bill is so complicated, because we are trying to use domestic legislation to handle a global externality.


If such treaties fail to materialize, the United States may start charging imports for the carbon used in their production.


While I understand the economic and political logic behind this approach, it is a distinctly dangerous path. Our trading partners will argue that these charges are tariffs in disguise.




Deceptive arguments are being made in California’s water wars

Apportioning this finite resource among cities, farms and the environment will require well-informed discussions, conducted responsibly and in good faith, and thoughtful investments in conservation technologies.


A perfect opportunity, in other words, for political posturing.


McClintock’s argument appears to be that the fault lies with the “environmental left” and its puppets in Washington, who place the fate of a silvery, 2-inch fish above the needs of human beings.

その一つの戦法は問題を過剰な環境保護にすり替えてしまうことであり、今回そのシンボルとして選ばれたのがDelta Smeltという小魚だ。


Though Fresno County officials projected 2009 to be a “dire year” in production, that needs to be measured against the record harvest of 2008, when the county’s $5.7-billion production value represented a nearly 6% increase over 2007.


In dry periods, like the last few years, the federal government has still delivered to those users 100% of their contracted supply. This year Westlands, which sits at the bottom of the rights waterfall, may receive as little as 5%.


Mendota’s annual unemployment rate has dipped below 25% only twice in the last 10 years, according to state statistics; in 2003, when the federal deliveries were better than 75% of contract supply, Mendota unemployment still approached 32%.



No amount of political bluster will solve these conflicts. Nor will an approach that treats the needs of every community of water users as superior to everyone else’s, that advocates the building of new dams that just repeat or magnify mistakes committed in building the old ones, or that reduces a complex issue to a comic-book conflict between human beings and a tiny fish.


Delta Smeltの写真はWikipediaより(パブリックドメイン)。



The economics of ecosystems / The Christian Science Monitor

国連環境計画(UNEP)のThe Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity reportを紹介している。

As such, it belongs to a broader, ongoing effort to correct what ecological economists say is a failure in most cost-benefit analyses to adequately account for the very real value of living systems.


The trick is ensuring that the analysis is sufficiently rigorous — that it accounts for all services provided by a forest, both as paper and as living trees, and that it includes both short- and long-term outcomes.


[…] some environmental problems can, in fact, be illuminated by a sufficiently nuanced cost-benefit analysis, while others — such as environmental justice issues — clearly can’t.


まあ大した記事ではないのだけど、The Christian Science Monitorは教会が発行しているが布教を目的とはせず、昔からネットの活用が早いことで有名であるなど面白い新聞だ。現在は日曜版しか紙媒体で発行しておらず基本的にオンライン新聞となっている。



How 16 ships create as much pollution as all the cars in the world | Mail Online


As ships get bigger, the pollution is getting worse. The most staggering statistic of all is that just 16 of the world’s largest ships can produce as much lung-clogging sulphur pollution as all the world’s cars.


But, unlike power stations or cars, they can burn the cheapest, filthiest, high-sulphur fuel: the thick residues left behind in refineries after the lighter liquids have been taken. The stuff nobody on land is allowed to use.


Bunker fuel is also thick with sulphur. IMO rules allow ships to burn fuel containing up to 4.5 per cent sulphur. That is 4,500 times more than is allowed in car fuel in the European Union. The sulphur comes out of ship funnels as tiny particles, and it is these that get deep into lungs.

国連の一部である国際海事機関(International Maritime Organization)による船の硫黄の許容量はEUの自動車燃料のそれの4500倍だそうだ。

For decades, the IMO has rebuffed calls to clean up ship pollution. As a result, while it has long since been illegal to belch black, sulphur-laden smoke from power-station chimneys or lorry exhausts, shipping has kept its licence to pollute.


Smoke and sulphur are not the only threats from ships’ funnels. Every year they are also belching out almost one billion tons of carbon dioxide. Ships are as big a contributor to global warming as aircraft – but have had much less attention from environmentalists.

