温暖化対策の法案であるAmerican Power Act(Kerry-Lieberman climate change bill)が987ページもあるのは何故か。
- 経済主体が各自最適化するので情報面での政府の負担が少ない
- 投資に関するインセンティブを歪めることなく税収が得られる
First, it tries to do far more than just charge for carbon emissions.
Standard economics suggests that many of these interventions would be unnecessary if we had the right tax on carbon emissions; if companies pay the full social costs of their actions, they have the right incentives to invest in greener technologies without any further help from Uncle Sam.
The second reason that the bill is so big is that it uses a complicated cap-and-trade system rather than a simple Pigouvian tax.
In theory, a permit system can be identical to a tax.
Fixing the number of permits may actually be the right thing to do. As my colleague Martin Weitzman wrote almost 40 years ago, quantity controls are better than prices if we are more certain about the right quantity than we are about the right tax.
Giving away permits rather than selling them is often defended as a means of ensuring that global warming doesn’t become an excuse for higher taxes.
International trade is a third reason that this bill is so complicated, because we are trying to use domestic legislation to handle a global externality.
If such treaties fail to materialize, the United States may start charging imports for the carbon used in their production.
While I understand the economic and political logic behind this approach, it is a distinctly dangerous path. Our trading partners will argue that these charges are tariffs in disguise.
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