毎年恒例の100 Best Companies to Work Forの2010年版が発表された。これはアメリカの大手企業にかなり注目されているリストだ。調査会社が社員へ聞き取りを行うなどして指標を作成する。新卒学生の行きたい企業ランキングなんかよりも余程信頼できるだろう。
100 Best Companies to Work For 2010: Full list – from FORTUNE
What makes it so great?One of the Best Companies for all 13 years, SAS boasts a laundry list of benefits — high-quality child care at $410 a month, 90% coverage of the health insurance premium, unlimited sick days, a medical center staffed by four physicians and 10 nurse practitioners (at no cost to employees), a free 66,000-square-foot fitness center and natatorium, a lending library, and a summer camp for children.
ランク付け方法は企業秘密か公開されていないが、SASが一番になった理由として、月$410のチャイルドケア、健康保険の90%会社負担、無制限の(有給での)病欠(sick day / sick leave)、無料の医療施設、巨大なジム、プール、図書館に子供のためのサマーキャンプが挙げられている。
Over 24 executives have active internal blogs. When executives update their blogs, they are automatically featured on the main page of the SAS Wide Web so that employees can read the blogs and offer their comments.
In response to a question asking what might be changed at SAS to make it a better place to work one employee responded: “I don’t think of anything. If I did think of something, I am confident that I could give that feedback to management, and have it considered”.
And all salaries at SAS are set in the same way – by matching market data to the job title.
All staff who might be contracted out in other organizations – gardeners, food service employees, healthcare staff – are SAS employees.
Managers say that investment pays off with extremely low employee turnover that in turn reduces training costs.