

Calorie Postings Don’t Change Habits, Study Finds –


About 28 percent of those who noticed them said the information had influenced their ordering, and 9 out of 10 of those said they had made healthier choices as a result.


But when the researchers checked receipts afterward, they found that people had, in fact, ordered slightly more calories than the typical customer had before the labeling law went into effect, in July 2008.


For customers in New York City, orders had a mean of 846 calories after the labeling law took effect. Before the law took effect, it was 825 calories. In Newark, customers ordered about 825 calories before and after.


When asked if he had checked the calories, he said: “It’s just cheap, so I buy it. I’m looking for the cheapest meal I can.”





Breaking the Food Seduction

Cow’s milk—or the milk of any other species, for that matter—contains a protein called casein that breaks apart during digestion to release a whole host of opiates called casomorphins.


As milk is turned into cheese, most of its water, whey proteins, and lactose sugar are removed, leaving behind concentrated casein and fat.


It appears that the opiates from mother’s milk produce a calming effect on the infant and, in fact, may be responsible for a good measure of the mother-infant bond. No, it’s not all lullabies and cooing. Psychological bonds always have a physical underpinning.


Casomorphin from ChemgaPedia

Casomorphin from ChemgaPedia


As milk is turned into cheese, most of its water, whey proteins, and lactose sugar are removed, leaving behind concentrated casein and fat.



Back to Business – Wall Street Pursues Profit in Bundles of Life Insurance – Series –

The bankers plan to buy “life settlements,” life insurance policies that ill and elderly people sell for cash — $400,000 for a $1 million policy, say, depending on the life expectancy of the insured person.


That is because policyholders often let their life insurance lapse before they die, for a variety of reasons — their children grow up and no longer need the financial protection, or the premiums become too expensive. When that happens, the insurer does not have to make a payout.


Insurance companies, they note, offer only a “cash surrender value,” typically at a small fraction of the death benefit, when a policyholder wants to cash out, even after paying large premiums for many years.


Then they plan to “securitize” these policies, in Wall Street jargon, by packaging hundreds or thousands together into bonds.


“These assets do not have risks that are difficult to estimate and they are not, for the most part, exposed to broader economic risks,” said Joshua Coval, a professor of finance at the Harvard Business School. “By pooling and tranching, you are not amplifying systemic risks in the underlying assets.”


In many ways, banks are seeking to replicate the model of subprime mortgage securities, which became popular after ratings agencies bestowed on them the comfort of a top-tier, triple-A rating. An individual mortgage to a home buyer with poor credit might have been considered risky, because of the possibility of default; but packaging lots of mortgages together limited risk, the theory went, because it was unlikely many would default at the same time.

While that idea was, in retrospect, badly flawed, Wall Street is convinced that it can solve the risk riddle with securitized life settlement policies.


But even with a math whiz calculating every possibility, some risks may not be apparent until after the fact. How can a computer accurately predict what would happen if health reform passed, for example, and better care for a large number of Americans meant that people generally started living longer? Or if a magic-bullet cure for all types of cancer was developed?






Anti-“publication bias” efforts not panning out for science – Ars Technica


Publication bias occurs when the publication of research results depends on their nature and direction.



それに対し、Ars Technicaの記事で取り上げられている試みにおいては、インセンティブの仕組みを変えることでこの問題に対応しようとしている。

In 2005, medical journals forged a policy meant to ensure that a description of any clinical trial would be registered in public databases before it took place.


This provides a very strong incentive to register any trial. Nobody typically starts a trial they know is going to fail, and both researchers and drug companies have strong incentives to publish positive results—it makes sense to register everything in advance, simply to ensure the option of publication later.

仕組みはこうだ。ジャーナルに研究結果を公表するためには、臨床試験を行う前に公共のデータベースに登録することが要求される。事後(ex post)的には望ましい結果のみを公表するインセンティブがあっても、事前(ex ante)にはそのよな問題は生じない。しかし、そう簡単にはいかないようだ:

Of the 323 published trials that they identified, a full 89 (27 percent) hadn’t been registered at all, as far as the authors could tell. Another 39 had been registered, but had a result, termed a primary outcome, that was too vague.


In 46 cases, the trial was registered with a primary outcome that wasn’t the same as the one described in the publication.


  • 何らかの方法で結果の正確な記録を強制する。
  • 登録を怠った研究の棄却。

