The Wikipedia of news translation: Yeeyan.org’s volunteer community
Aside from reading stories, users can perform two basic actions: recommend a story or a URL for translation, or translate a recommended story.
The site’s design encourages participation in a number of different ways. The front page prominently displays a staff-curated selection of recommended but as-yet-untranslated articles.
Beginning translators tend to produce rough texts and make many mistakes, says Kitty, but “it is cruel if we don’t even provide a chance.”
Under international law, permission from the copyright holder is generally required to create or publish a translation. By publishing user-supplied translations of arbitrary news material, Yeeyan creates a public good in a legally dubious fashion.
Even so, Yeeyan is actively seeking agreements with copyright holders to create and publish translations of their work.
But there’s money to be made offline if you have access to a huge pool of translation talent, and connections to publishers on both sides of the language divide.