

Aguanomics: The Political Economy of Lobbying




以前にも取り上げた起業家のBen Casnochaのブログで、RedditのIamAシリーズが取り上げられている:

Ben Casnocha: The Blog: Your Customers Lie to You

Our customers want mediocre food cheap. Every time we release a higher priced but higher quality product, the people who said they would pay for it… never do.

You say you want more fruits, salads, organic, all natural, etc. well then start buying that stuff and stop buying double cheeseburgers. Our best selling stuff is always whatever we can make taste good, at rock bottom prices.

We’ve actually learned not to listen to our customers when it comes to a lot of things. Health nuts won’t come into McDonald’s to eat even when we give them what they want.




Instead of asking customers how much they would pay for a hypothetical product, ask them how much they’re currently paying for however it is they’re solving the problem that you are trying to solve.


it can work to ask a direct question but discount the words that come out of their mouth and pay attention to body language.







Scientist Monkeys Around With The Economy : NPR

We were trying to answer questions about whether monkeys are able to behave in an economic way.


what would happen if you trained a low-ranking vervet monkey to do things that other vervet monkeys, even high-ranking monkeys, couldn’t do?


Roughly an hour after she’d open the container for everyone, she was getting groomed a lot more, as much as a high-ranking monkey, and she no longer had to do hardly any grooming herself. But that was not the most spectacular finding.


So what then did, is we got a second low-ranking female, trained her to open a second container with apples in it, and then we saw that the value of the first provider dropped, more or less, to the half of what she had before. So now we had a competition between two animals. Both of them could provide this good, these apples, and so the value of the first one dropped down again. And of the second one who was very low at the beginning of the experiment, she went up. And they ended up both in the middle, so to speak.


Animals that cannot form binding contracts, animals that cannot talk about what they want to do or cannot offer verbally or anything – they nevertheless are quite accurate in adapting their behavior to what the market gives them.

monkeys arrive at these economic outcomes not through sitting down and negotiation, but through feeling and emotion.



Science Dailyでドメスティック・バイオレンス(DV)に関する研究が紹介されている:
Violence Between Couples Is Usually Calculated, And Does Not Result From Loss Of Control, Study Suggests

Violence between couples is usually the result of a calculated decision-making process and the partner inflicting violence will do so only as long as the price to be paid is not too high.


The violent partner might conceive his or her behavior as a ‘loss of control’, but the same individual, unsurprisingly, would not lose control in this way with a boss or friends



記事によれば、DVは理性的な意思決定の結果(the result of a calculated decision-making process)とされているが、そのように解釈できることは必ずしも行為者が理性的でよく考えて行動していることを意味しないことにも注意が必要だろう。単に、理性的な意思決定の結果として理解できるのであれば主観の解釈は必要ない。もちろん本人が自分の行動をどう説明するかも関係ない。

Neither of the couple sits down and plans when he or she will swear or lash out at the other, but there is a sort of silent agreement standing between the two on what limits of violent behavior are ‘ok’, where the red line is drawn, and where behavior beyond that could be dangerous


when speaking of one-sided physical violence, most often carried out by men, the violent side understands that for a slap, say, he will not pay a very heavy price, but for harsher violence that is not included in the ‘normative’ dynamic between them, he might well have to pay a higher price and will therefore keep himself from such behavior.





P.S. 逆に言えば、フェミニズム以前の社会においてはパートナー間の不平等は存在したが、実際に暴力が発生する可能性は低かったかもしれない(実際の数字は分からないが、最初から亭主関白な家庭において妻への暴力が多いとは思えない)。




Language Log » Freakonomics: the intellectual’s Glenn Beck? via Cheap Talk


  • 前作はレヴィット個人の研究に基づいていたが今回は様々な話題を取り扱っている。
  • そのため、記事の質に疑問がある。
  • その代わり、取り上げられている話題は社会的にも重要なものが多い(相撲よりは温暖化のほうが重要だろう)。
  • しかし、面白さを優先するあまり奇抜さを狙い過ぎている。


[Email from Andrew Gelman: “Things get interesting when a scholar steps over the line and moves into pundit territory.  All of a sudden the scholarly caution disappears.  Search my blog for John Yoo or Greg Mankiw, for example…”



We might call this the Pundit’s Dilemma — a game, like the Prisoner’s Dilemma, in which the player’s best move always seems to be to take the low road, and in which the aggregate welfare of the community always seems fated to fall. And this isn’t just a game for pundits. Scientists face similar choices every day, in deciding whether to over-sell their results, or for that matter to manufacture results for optimal appeal.

In the end, scientists usually over-interpret only a little, and rarely cheat, because the penalties for being caught are extreme.  As a result, in an iterated version of the game, it’s generally better to play it fairly straight.  Pundits (and regular journalists) also play an iterated version of this game — but empirical observation suggests that the penalties for many forms of bad behavior are too small and uncertain to have much effect. Certainly, the reputational effects of mere sensationalism and exaggeration seem to be negligible.



おまけ:内輪ネタだけど、このポストへのリンクがあったCheap Talkのポストの次の段落には爆笑した:

Aside on the game name game:  when I was a first-year PhD student at Berkeley, Matthew Rabin taught us game theory. As if to remove all illusion that what we were studying was connected to reality, every game we analyzed in class was given a name according to his system of “stochastic lexicography.”  Stochastic lexicography means randomly picking two words out of the dictionary and using them as the name of the game under study.  So, for example, instead of studying “job market signaling” we studied something like “rusty succotash.” I wonder if any of our readers remember some of the game names from that class.