
1986年に創業し現在570店舗を誇るハンバーガージョイント「Five Guys」についての記事が面白かった。

How I Did It: Jerry Murrell, Five Guys Burgers and Fries

My two eldest sons, Matt and Jim, said they did not want to go to college. I supported them 100 percent.

Instead, we used their college tuition to open a burger joint.


Anyone can make money in the food business as long as you have a good product, reasonable price, and a clean place. That made sense to me.

店を開く三日前にJW Marriottについての本で読んだと言うのが上の内容だ。飲食店は食べ物の質が高く、値段が合理的で、店舗が綺麗なら稼げるとある。


We figure our best salesman is our customer. Treat that person right, he’ll walk out the door and sell for you



The magic to our hamburgers is quality control.



Our food prices fluctuate. We do not base our price on anything but margins.



We make 6 percent of sales on the franchises. All franchises work the same way: People say they want to sell your product. So you give them a Franchise Development Agreement that explains all the ways we can beat them down.




A standard double patty burger, for example, contains almost 800 calories and 97% of the recommended daily saturated fat intake. Men’s Health also rated Five Guys french fries as the 4th most unhealthy french fry in America, noting that a standard large order of fries contains almost 1,500 calories (but is said to feed 3-4 people).




Deceptive arguments are being made in California’s water wars

Apportioning this finite resource among cities, farms and the environment will require well-informed discussions, conducted responsibly and in good faith, and thoughtful investments in conservation technologies.


A perfect opportunity, in other words, for political posturing.


McClintock’s argument appears to be that the fault lies with the “environmental left” and its puppets in Washington, who place the fate of a silvery, 2-inch fish above the needs of human beings.

その一つの戦法は問題を過剰な環境保護にすり替えてしまうことであり、今回そのシンボルとして選ばれたのがDelta Smeltという小魚だ。


Though Fresno County officials projected 2009 to be a “dire year” in production, that needs to be measured against the record harvest of 2008, when the county’s $5.7-billion production value represented a nearly 6% increase over 2007.


In dry periods, like the last few years, the federal government has still delivered to those users 100% of their contracted supply. This year Westlands, which sits at the bottom of the rights waterfall, may receive as little as 5%.


Mendota’s annual unemployment rate has dipped below 25% only twice in the last 10 years, according to state statistics; in 2003, when the federal deliveries were better than 75% of contract supply, Mendota unemployment still approached 32%.



No amount of political bluster will solve these conflicts. Nor will an approach that treats the needs of every community of water users as superior to everyone else’s, that advocates the building of new dams that just repeat or magnify mistakes committed in building the old ones, or that reduces a complex issue to a comic-book conflict between human beings and a tiny fish.


Delta Smeltの写真はWikipediaより(パブリックドメイン)。



Dear Economist: Should I try to make school fees fairer?

I’m a marketing manager at a British private boarding school. Fees start low and increase during a pupil’s education regardless of the fact that costs remain pretty constant before inflation. I want to reflect this “flat” cost and reward loyalty – but how can I without an ugly hike at reception class?

質問に対する答えという形式をとっているTim Harfordのコラム。実際、ショッピング中にどうしてこれはこういう値段の付け方なの??と聞かれることはよくある。。ちなみに、「ああそれは…」などと真面目に答えると、「そうアンタ達のせいでこういういやらしいプライシングになるのね」などと返されること請け合いだ(説明は後付で価格の付け方自体は昔からあることが多いわけだけど)。


Let’s take a step back. You say that you’d like to reflect costs. Why? Most businesses set prices to attract customers and increase profits. Costs are not directly relevant.


Most companies say they reward loyalty, but it is more traditional to gouge loyal customers while chasing new ones. Don’t fall for your own propaganda.



Parents will be nervous about whether the school will suit their children, so a cheap price year in reception is sensible.


The only reason to change your current pricing is if you can figure out a way of concealing some of the later fees.




News is a lousy business for Google too

There is a widespread myth that search engines have taken profits away from news websites.


The internet upended this model by 1) providing a new delivery method for classified ads (mainly Craigslist), 2) increasing the supply of newspapers from 1-2 per location to thousands per location, thereby driving the willingness-to-pay for news dramatically down, and 3) unbundling news categories, making cross subsidization increasingly hard.




Even Google doesn’t make money on it.

ニュースはGoogleにとってすら儲からないという。実際にAfgranistan warで検索しても広告が表示されない。あまりにも収益が少ないからだ。

Big money-making categories include travel, consumer electronics and malpractice lawyers. News queries are loss leaders.




Lessons for U.S. Media From European Paid-Content Plays

Le Monde in France, for example, has been charging for premium content since 2002, and has racked up 100,000 subscribers steadily paying $8 a month — even though its traditional newspaper circulation is barely more than 300,000.

フランスの代表紙であるLe Mondeはプレミアムコンテンツに対して月$8相当の料金を課しているが、十万人もの顧客がいるそうだ。これは紙媒体の購読者の三分の一で相当な数字だ。英語ではなくローカルな情報を伝える点でアメリカの新聞社に比べると利益を上げるやすい面はある。これは日本にも当てはまるはずだ。

Le Figaro’s approach, 14 months in the making, keeps the main newspaper content free but offers two other options at $10 and $20 a month. Premium users get access to in-depth information, special offers, twice-daily newsletters, roundtable discussions with journalists, the opportunity to see their own content on the home page of the site and a concierge service that can arrange everything from theater tickets to shirt cleaning.

Le Figaroは基本的な内容を無料で公開した上で$10/$20相当の二段階のオプションを用意している。ここで面白いのはそのプレミアムコンテンツの内容が単なる情報に留まらないことだ。記事ではジャーナリストとの討論やコンシェルジュサービスが挙げられている。

Two regional titles in Germany, Berliner Morgenpost and Hamburger Abendblatt, have put up pay walls around premium content. But two big national titles, Bild and Die Welt (owned by publishing company Axel Springer), are keeping their websites free while selling iPhone-app subscriptions for $2 to $5 a month.

ドイツではBerliner MorgenpostとHamburger Abendblattがペイウォールを採用する一方で、大手であるBiltとDie Weltはウェブを無料でiPhoneアプリを$2から$5で提供しているとのこと。これは課金の容易さ・iPhoneを利用した価格差別の観点からも妥当な戦略だ。

The Guardian, Britain’s most-visited newspaper website, launched a $3.73 iPhone app — despite outspoken rejection of the pay-wall model — it sold 70,000 in the first month.

The Gurdianも同様のiPhoneを用いた戦略を採用している。

“In the long run, though, the industry has no choice. It has to find a way to get people to pay for content. It’s a great experiment.”
