

Nobel laureate: If you want to get kids interested in science, legalize fireworks

When I asked Sir Richard at lunch what we could do to spark more interest in science among young people, I was surprised by his answer: make it easier for them get their hands on fireworks.

RNAスプライシングでノーベル賞を受賞したSir Richard Robertsは、若い人にもっと科学への興味を持ってもらうためには花火に触れさせるのがいいという。

“When I talk to my Nobel colleagues,” he said during the on-stage portion of our conversation, “more than half of them got interested in science via fireworks.”


Blowing stuff up, apparently, generates excitement about chemistry in a way that staring at the periodic table of the elements just doesn’t.


Intel STS


Op-Ed Columnist – America’s Real Dream Team – NYTimes.com

Intel Science Talent SearchはもともとWestinghouseがスポンサーしていたイベントだったが、1998年からはIntelがスポンサーとなりその名を冠するようになった。毎年40人のファイナリストが選ばれ、最大$100,000の奨学金が授与される。過去に複数のノーベル賞・フィールズ賞受賞者を輩出している。


Linda Zhou, Alice Wei Zhao, Lori Ying, Angela Yu-Yun Yeung, Lynnelle Lin Ye, Kevin Young Xu, Benjamin Chang Sun, Jane Yoonhae Suh, Katheryn Cheng Shi, Sunanda Sharma, Sarine Gayaneh Shahmirian, Arjun Ranganath Puranik, Raman Venkat Nelakant, Akhil Mathew, Paul Masih Das, David Chienyun Liu, Elisa Bisi Lin, Yifan Li, Lanair Amaad Lett, Ruoyi Jiang, Otana Agape Jakpor, Peter Danming Hu, Yale Wang Fan, Yuval Yaacov Calev, Levent Alpoge, John Vincenzo Capodilupo and Namrata Anand.


O.K. All these kids are American high school students. […] The awards dinner was Tuesday, and, as you can see from the above list, most finalists hailed from immigrant families, largely from Asia.


Because when you mix all of these energetic, high-aspiring people with a democratic system and free markets, magic happens.


Today, just about everything is becoming a commodity, except imagination, except the ability to spark new ideas.





Meat grown in laboratory in world first – Telegraph

Researchers in the Netherlands created what was described as soggy pork and are now investigating ways to improve the muscle tissue in the hope that people will one day want to eat it.


The scientists extracted cells from the muscle of a live pig and then put them in a broth of other animal products. The cells then multiplied and created muscle tissue. They believe that it can be turned into something like steak if they can find a way to artificially “exercise” the muscle.


Animal rights group Peta said: “As far as we’re concerned, if meat is no longer a piece of a dead animal there’s no ethical objection.”


