Advertising AgeにGoogleでChief EconomistをつとめるHal Varianによるタブレットと出版業界との関係についての発言がまとめられている(今週の水曜日にJ-schoolであった)。
Google Exec Says Newspapers Need to Re-Think Their Models – Advertising Age – Digital
The trouble is the audience for news has been declining. Newspaper circulation has been slipping since 1990 and has plummeted in the past five years. Online, only 39% of internet users surveyed by Pew said they spent time online looking for news.
“The verticals that drive traffic are things like sports, weather and current news, but the money is in things like travel and shopping,” says Mr. Varian. “Pure news is the unique product that newspapers provide, but it is very hard to monetize.”
Typically, 53% of newspaper spending goes to traditional printing for distribution — costs eliminated through digital distribution — compared with 35% on what the Google exec called the “core” functions of news gathering, editorial and administration.
これに対抗する一つの方法は支出を減らすことだ。新聞社の支出の53%は印刷や配達などに充てられており、ニュースを作ることには35%程しか使われていないそうだ。よって、オンラインに移る過程で前者の支出をカットしていくことが収益改善につながる。The Huffington Postなどがいい例だろうか。
Google wants to help publishers use web technology to grow, Mr. Varian said. “I think papers could better exploit the data they have. They need better contextual targeting and ad-effectiveness measurement.”
“We know there will be eventual competition from other devices, like the Kindle,” he said, “and of course there’s still the whole web. I don’t think the tablet should be viewed as the be-all and end-all of distribution.”
“Users will likely engage with the tablet during peak leisure hours, and you would imagine that’s very attractive to publishers.”
Mr. Varian’s list of suggestions doesn’t include pay walls, such as the New York Times’ plan for a metered approach to charging users. “It’s too easy to bypass,” he says.