

The Visible Hand – Freakonomics Blog

I suspect that most people would say that the skin color of the iPod holder wouldn’t matter to them. […] Economists have never liked to rely on what people say, however.


Over the course of a year, they placed hundreds of ads in local online markets, randomly altering whether the hand holding an iPod for sale was black, white, or white with a big tattoo.


  • 黒人の出品者は白人に比べて13%レスポンスが17%オファーが少なかった
  • オファーがあった場合に限っても2-4%オファーの金額は少なかった
  • コンタクト人が名前を書かない割合が17%、郵送を受け付けない割合が44%少なく、遠隔地への振り込みを懸念する割合は56%高かった
  • 犯罪の多い地域ではさらにこの差はひろがった


With statistical discrimination, on the other hand, the black hand is serving as a proxy for some sort of negative


If the ad is really high quality, the authors conjecture, maybe that provides a signal that could trump the statistical discrimination motive for not buying from the black seller.


Black sellers do especially bad in high crime cities, which the authors interpret as evidence that it is statistical discrimination at work.




Markets in everything: Discount babies

元になっているペーパーは「Gender and Racial Biases: Evidence from Child Adoption」。

It’s about $8,000 cheaper to adopt a black baby than a white or Hispanic child and girls tend to cost about $2,000 more than boys.


It is hard to know exactly how many black newborns in the sample are not adopted and wind up in foster care. Black children make up 32% of the foster care population, but just 16% of adoptees (including domestic and international adoptions).


The paper finds the cost of adopting a black baby needs to be $38,000 lower than the cost of a white baby, in order to make parents indifferent to race. Boys will need to cost $16,000 less than girls.





Women in Management: Delusions of Progress


Even after adjusting for years of work experience, industry, and region, Catalyst found that men started their careers at higher levels than women. […] Among women and men without children living at home, men still started at higher levels.


A quarter of the women in our study left their first job because of a difficult manager—nearly as many as those who moved on for more money (26%) or for a career change (27%). Only 16% of the men left because of a difficult manager.


Of course, these results suggest that women and men may be treated differently by their first managers.

とはいえ、ここから男女が上司に違う扱いをされているのはOf courseとか言われると何だろうか?という気にはなる。女性のほうが人間関係を重視するだけかもしれない(多分にありそうだ)。

Companies must acknowledge their failure on this front, learn why they haven’t succeeded, and come up with better programs to help talented women advance.



Catalyst works with businesses and the professions to build inclusive workplaces and expand opportunities for women and business.




My Race Essay: What Whites Say Behind Blacks’ Backs « Colin Blog


One such uncle of mine noted […] America is generally an “equal opportunity country.” I wouldn’t go that far, but this is how most white people feel and I think the truth is somewhere in the middle.


In my school, there was no systematic exclusion of the black students from excelling in academics. Most of the black students excluded themselves.


But somewhere along the line, 5th or 6th grade, the white and black students started to segregate themselves.



I have a theory to explain why blacks often suffer discriminatory treatment in society. From my experience in the restaurant service industry, servers and bartenders will tell you that black people don’t tip. This is bullshit. I used to argue that the average gratuity percentage of all black customers, while certainly lower, is not much lower than the average percentage from all white customers. The difference is negligible given low gratuities from rural white people and elderly white people.

But those ghetto white people aren’t such a pain in the ass. They’re in and out. Servers don’t remember them. Nor do servers remember the nice black family that was easy to take care of and left 20%. They remember the ghetto black table that sent back their food for trivial reasons, asked for free samples, complained to a manager, or were a major pain in the ass in some other way while not leaving a tip. The treatment I have gotten from ghetto black tables is simply unconscionable. You don’t get that from any other kind of people. Only black ghetto. Even black servers don’t want to wait on black tables. I was the guy that used to argue that waiting on blacks is not as bad as people make it out to be. And even I would get a feeling in my stomach when I saw a black table sit down in my section. Just the chance that this black table could be a black ghetto table could completely ruin my night.


That feeling is uncontrollable. You can’t teach someone not to feel what has been conditioned into their system through experience, like a dog getting its face rubbed in shit after pooping in the house.


My theory is that discriminatory treatment stems from people trying to thwart or discourage the triflin’ behavior of the ghetto segment. Imagine how police officers, whose exposure to black ghetto must be much higher, could come to treat all black people. Unfortunately, non-ghetto black people are often subject to the backlash against ghetto black people when they are not to blame. They are being treated unfairly. In my view, one third of the black population is fucking it up for everybody.



I can’t think of how normal, mainstream black people can disassociate themselves with the ghetto segment in order to receive normal treatment. The black ghetto segment is so triflin’ that the mere presence of a black person can cause worry in worrisome types.


