最近、アメリカのアカデミックな労働市場についての「ポスドクとは アカデミアに仕事が少ない!編」を読んだ。当事者の目から説明されている良い記事だが、テニュア制度の存在意義についてはちょっと単純化しすぎなので補足したい:
The Economics of Tenure
まずテニュア(Tenure)というのは教授の終身雇用のことだ。ポスドクや助教授(Assistant Professor)は任期付きのポストで、研究実績がたまってきたらテニュアの審査を受ける。うまくいけば終身雇用が約束され、だめなら他の大学に移る。この制度は日本での導入も進んでいる。
The economists who have analyzed tenure have seen it as a solution to the problems created by the special nature of academic employment instead of a protection for academic freedom.
Carmichael (1988) argues that tenure exists within academic environments because worker-professors are called upon to select new members.
When the university has full information about the abilities and alternatives of incumbents and candidates, tenure is not part of the optimal solution. The least productive and most expensive professors will be fired and replaced by new candidates. However, when the university does not have full knowledge and incumbents have better information, the university will have problems getting incumbents to identify the best candidates if it plans to follow an optimal hiring and firing strategy. An incumbent cannot rule out the possibility that he or she will be fired in the future to make room for a candidate. Thus, if the university expects its incumbents to tell it who the good candidates are, the incumbent’s signals about candidates must not affect he incumbent’s probability of being retained.