

Language Log » Freakonomics: the intellectual’s Glenn Beck? via Cheap Talk


  • 前作はレヴィット個人の研究に基づいていたが今回は様々な話題を取り扱っている。
  • そのため、記事の質に疑問がある。
  • その代わり、取り上げられている話題は社会的にも重要なものが多い(相撲よりは温暖化のほうが重要だろう)。
  • しかし、面白さを優先するあまり奇抜さを狙い過ぎている。


[Email from Andrew Gelman: “Things get interesting when a scholar steps over the line and moves into pundit territory.  All of a sudden the scholarly caution disappears.  Search my blog for John Yoo or Greg Mankiw, for example…”



We might call this the Pundit’s Dilemma — a game, like the Prisoner’s Dilemma, in which the player’s best move always seems to be to take the low road, and in which the aggregate welfare of the community always seems fated to fall. And this isn’t just a game for pundits. Scientists face similar choices every day, in deciding whether to over-sell their results, or for that matter to manufacture results for optimal appeal.

In the end, scientists usually over-interpret only a little, and rarely cheat, because the penalties for being caught are extreme.  As a result, in an iterated version of the game, it’s generally better to play it fairly straight.  Pundits (and regular journalists) also play an iterated version of this game — but empirical observation suggests that the penalties for many forms of bad behavior are too small and uncertain to have much effect. Certainly, the reputational effects of mere sensationalism and exaggeration seem to be negligible.



おまけ:内輪ネタだけど、このポストへのリンクがあったCheap Talkのポストの次の段落には爆笑した:

Aside on the game name game:  when I was a first-year PhD student at Berkeley, Matthew Rabin taught us game theory. As if to remove all illusion that what we were studying was connected to reality, every game we analyzed in class was given a name according to his system of “stochastic lexicography.”  Stochastic lexicography means randomly picking two words out of the dictionary and using them as the name of the game under study.  So, for example, instead of studying “job market signaling” we studied something like “rusty succotash.” I wonder if any of our readers remember some of the game names from that class.



ScienceDirect – Journal of Financial Markets : Confidence, opinions of marketefficiency, and investment behavior of finance professors via Overcoming Bias

First, most professors believe the market is weak to semi-strong efficient. Second, twice as many professors passively invest than actively invest. Third, our respondents’ perceptions regarding market efficiency are almost entirely unrelated to their trading behavior. Fourth, the investment objectives of professors are, instead, largely driven by the same behavioral factor as for amateur investors–one’s confidence in his own abilities to beat the market, independent of his opinion of market efficiency.


  1. ほとんどの教授は弱度ないし準強度市場効率仮説を支持している。
  2. 能動的な投資を行っている人はそうでないひとの半分。
  3. 投資行動と市場効率仮説への態度は相関がない。
  4. 投資目的は大抵素人と同じ要因で説明できる。




National Journal Magazine – Is The American Dream A Myth? via Economist’s View


A study of attitudes in 27 countries found that Americans, more than people elsewhere, tend to believe that intelligence, skill, and effort will be rewarded with success.


Though we venerate the American Dream, studies show that children born to low-income parents in the United States are more likely to remain trapped near the bottom than their counterparts in Europe, the authors report.


These are deeply unhealthy, even destabilizing, patterns. If advanced education is the key to economic success, it’s dangerous to reserve it primarily for those who start out on top.


Although affordability remains a challenge, they say that enough financial aid is available for needy students that money is not the principal obstacle.




新著SuperFreakonomicsの温暖化に関する章が論争を巻き起こしているSteven Levittの環境保護と価格付けに関する記事:

Going “Green” to Increase Profits – Freakonomics Blog –



Customers who come by bus or bicycle are likely to have lower incomes and be more price sensitive than those who arrive by car. If that is the case, the brothel would like to charge such customers lower prices than the richer ones. The difficulty is that, without a justifiable rationale, the rich customers would be angry if the brothel tried to charge them more.






How Moody’s sold its ratings – and sold out investors | McClatchy

A McClatchy investigation has found that Moody’s punished executives who questioned why the company was risking its reputation by putting its profits ahead of providing trustworthy ratings for investment offerings.



To promote competition, in the 1970s ratings agencies were allowed to switch from having investors pay for ratings to having the issuers of debt pay for them.


Moody’s was spun off from Dun & Bradstreet in 2000, and the first company shares began trading on Oct. 31 that year at $12.57. Executives set out to erase a conservative corporate culture.

When Moody’s went public in 2000, mid-level executives were given stock options. That gave them an incentive to consider not just the accuracy of their ratings, but the effect they’d have on Moody’s — and their own — bottom lines.



