Twitter Acquires Atebits, Maker of Tweetie – Bits Blog –
This marks a new strategy, as Twitter makes its first foray into providing a mobile and desktop client itself. On Friday, Twitter also announced that it helped Research in Motion build an “official” Twitter app for BlackBerrys.
In the past, Twitter has focused on its Web site,, and left the development of Twitter mobile clients up to start-ups like Tweetie, Twitterrific and UberTwitter.
developers have been getting nervous that Twitter plans to build or buy more apps for itself, which could put them out of business.
Fred Wilson […] stoked those fears in a blog post in which he wrote that many third-party Twitter services, including mobile clients like Tweetie’s, are features that Twitter should offer itself. Instead, he recommended that developers focus on other kinds of services, like business tools, analytics or gaming.
Twitter, which raised $100 million in September, has the cash to go on a shopping spree. It cannot hire engineers quickly enough to support the explosive growth of the company, so buying other features is a way to grow quickly.
Twitter will offer it for free and rename it Twitter for iPhone.
TweetieはこれからTwitter for iPhoneとして無償提供される予定だ。